Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The vegetarian goes chicken killing

Well today I went to a farm to "process" chickens. It was definitely an interesting experience. It began with myself the farmer and his family as well as some neighbors holding hands in a circle as he said a prayer blessing the space and asking God for a smooth processing. From there I started at the end of the line or "quality control" where we made sure the chickens didn't have any remaining feathers or organs. I then moved to the station where they were pulling all the innards out of the chickens. I tried a couple, but felt as though I was mutilating the chicken even though I wasn't. It is amazing how tough chicken skin is. I then went outside to where the chickens were actually being killed. You stick them in a metal cone with their heads poking out. With a few hacks of a knife you cut their throat and they bleed on a tray that funnels to a bucket. I was amazed at how long chickens continue to move after they have been sliced.

It was interesting how oblivious they were to what is going on around them. As their fellow chickens were being killed they were just chillin silently in the trailer. It was incredible how simple and easy it was to grab the chickens neck and cut its thoat. It was not revolting. I did not feel emotionally attached to the animal except in the sense that it was giving its life to be consumed. The most disturbing part was not the killing but probably taking the skin off the chickens feet, I don't know why but chickens' feet freak me out.

The whole process seemed like a very natural thing to happen. Every part of the bird was used whether for food or compost, nothing was wasted. It is crazy how quickly some living animal can turn into something that can be found on a grocery store aisle.

I am very grateful to the people for allowing me to go to their farm and take part in something that I feel like is at times forgotten. Our food comes from living things. It doesn't come prepackaged.
Well, that's all I have about chickens and killing them. I love hearing how everyone it doing.


MaryBebop said...

Bravo for doing something so out of your comfort zone. Do you think you are more revolted by meat now or the other way around? I read your other post about interviewing farmers and such, what exactly are you doing? Is it a personal thing or are you doing it for school etc.? Either way, it seems very interesting and by the way I think bird feet are scary too. Good luck with your endeavors!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mary,
I don't think I'm more revolted by meat, it just seems like a natural thing, although I don't plain on switching back from being a vegetarian. I'm doing research with a University grant just learning about farmers in the area. I'm interested in how they got into farming and their thoughts on the future of farming. Over 70 percent of farmers are supposed to retire in the next decade which is kind of worrisome, so I'm interested in how they see the population being able to deal with that. I hope the birds are treating you well.