LB (llama mamma) and i trudge through some thickness this morning.
woke up and it was pouring with lightning and thunder (i forget this happens sometimes after living in oregon for so long)
jumped onto a bus and went out into the bush about an hour outside of NOLA. the number of trash heaps and completely vacant buildings is astounding. you would not believe how many hundreds of apartments, houses and housing projects still stand vacant down here.
we bussed across lake ponchetrain
we went onto the honey island swamp tour, which was really hellz cool. it was pouring rain when we went out, which is a sobering way to do it. but it is also was very enjoyable (probably mostly because our skiff was covered)
my mind was thrust backwards to high school reading josef conrad's "heart of darkness." i felt i could definitely relate to Marlow and his struggle to deal with human nature in the thick of the african congo... but this was not that, but it just totally reminded me of it due to the circumstances.
our tour guide was a full blown cajun... old-fashioned. he grew up on the bayou out in the bush of louisiana. 75 miles from new orleans in a rare city that to this day still does not have a fast food joint (pretty rare i would say) he spoke slowly with a thick cajun accent. he really was a great tour guide. "we are going to be going on a swamp tour together. that means we are going to be navigating through narrow waterways. that means if it looks like we are going to hit a tree, then we are going to hit a tree!"
he warned us that it was entirely possible that snakes will fall onto the boat. my mom (llama momma, LB) was kind of nervous.
this post is getting cut short AGAIN. i am going to post a few pictures, and hope to continue spinning this later.
for all pictures, check out the facebook
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