Oregon, that is.
I'm sure Megan can attest to this, but the Oregon coast will never cease to amaze me. On Friday, four of us drove down the coast to Florence for the weekend. My roommate Kyle has a house there near the beach, so his brother, or friend Tristan and I spent the weekend enjoying the sun, riding bikes, and swimming nude in the lake.
Every year Florence has a spring/summer festival called Rhody Days (short for rhododendron), and this just happen to be going on this weekend. On Saturday, we rode our bikes into town from Kyle's cabin, and spent the day walking around "downtown" and soaking up the unusually hot weather. For some reason, this weekend attracts hundreds of bikers....motor bikers, that is. I think I could have spent the whole weekend just walking around and looking at the different people there. That culture is something that I may never understand....
That afternoon we rode our bikes over the Siuslaw bridge to the South Jetty, a beach that is know for its good surfing. We didn't do any surfing, but the beautiful 5mile bike ride to the beach in running shorts and no shirt made up for it. That night we made a fire in the back yard and hung out with Kyle's high school friends.
The drive back today couldn't have been a better end to such a beautiful weekend. On our way out of town, we drive up to the top of Cape Perpetua, a small peek that overlooks the coastline and ocean. I have never seen anything like this. A fog had formed over the ocean, and it stretched further out to sea than we could see. The only part of the ocean we could actually see was where the waves crashed onto the beach. As the fog rolled onto the land, it moved up the side of the hill where we were standing and slowly dissipated. I am certainly not doing it justice, but hopefully these pictures will help. I miss you all.
Those photos are awesome...I want to be there.
beautiful..yes...beautiful. I suggest running on the beach. It is a wonderous feeling.
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