I love hearing about Sasquatch from all the contributors, and I don't really have much else to add, except for one life changing experience.
Sasquatch: My group had been waking up at 7am nearly every morning and drinking whiskey before breakfast (yes.. just like the Leftover Salmon song). After our whisky-coffee we would begin pouring vodka into ziploc bags and tape them all over our bodies to smuggle into the festival...they never check the inner calf. Once at the festival we would drink drink drink and smoke so many joints and DANCE it all off until the evening when we would vow that tonight was the night to party!! yet we would always stumble into our tents and sleep by 1am.
So the last day of sasquatch i was tired. I decided to take a little stroll by myself when i stumbled upon a group of boys smushed up next to the fence that separates the backstage area from the festival. The boys all were flapping their arms over the fence to a man wearing a neon orange outfit and construction helmet and neon yellow suspenders. I asked a bored looking boy sitting nearby what the commotion was all about. "They're giving out backstage passes.." Hmm.. I knew that Flaming Lips were headlining that night, in fact they were the sole reason to be there that day, and I knew that they liked wacky people in funky costumes on stage.... so I decided to see about this backstage pass business. So i walked to the fence and threw my arm over, dangling my hand obnoxiously in front of the acid tinted construction guard's face like the rest of the boys. he was trying to restore some tranquility, and so he was mumbling something when his eye caught mine. he noticed my gender and glanced away and then back again. He mumbled again, and the last part I caught: "...mgmd...what we really need is three more girls to dance nude for half a song." Bingo. My calling. Little did he know my extensive experience with public nudity, and yet his eyes glanced back to me when he said this as if challenging me. "OOH ME! I"M GOOD AT THAT!" I yelled to his nervous eyes. He handed me this cloth sticker and I glanced down.... does that say FLAMING LIPS???? I would've settled with the Mars Volta, but now that I see i get to meet Wayne Coyne in my skivvies it became a surreal experience.
I left the fence, called Marleta told her to meet me NOW. We were going to have to get some of those $12 coors lights in us before this adventure. one of those, Flight of the Concords, and a $14 margarita later, I returned to the fence with Marleta in tow and met the fellow dancers. The other nakey girls were young, thin (who figured) and excited. we met each other but i cant remember their names....there are a lot of things i cant remember.
We went back stage and all signed releases. Marleta stayed with the teletubby suit-er-uppers and we went to meet WAAAAYNE. I was pretty drunk and no doubt about it sounded pretty annoying as I grasped his hand to shake it and probably yelled "I saw you in Scotland at Indian Summer!!! You were AAAWESOME!!", while an older, prettier girl demurely shook his hand and said, "we met at a bar once..." to which he replied "ohh I actually remember yoU!!" and he looked sincere. He did not look sincere when he responded to me, "oh that was good fun wasn't it?, good fun." Some girl had a polaroid camera and I basically made her take a picture of me, Marleta and Wayne which he signed. He also signed my backstage pass, "Dana-- you are a great naked gal. Love forever, Wayne". (these would be included in the blog if only I had a scanner.)
Now i'm going to let you in on a little secret. He told us that if anyone asks to say that we were just so infused with the music that we wandered onstage and RIPPED off our clothes to dance around in a mad frenzy. But we actually planned it. We waited offstage until half way through Race For The Prize (one of my favorite songs too) when we ran on, throwing our clothes around our head. I was wearing my acid glasses and a cape. I looked like this:
I dont remember dancing onstage, but my good friend Sara Fischer said she noticed my background in dance and theater because my movements were huge, incorporated many levels and took up space on stage. The next thing I remember is Wayne pulling us all in for a hug and then going offstage.
I put my dress back on, i had lost my acid glasses, and went to stage right where marleta was chilling like a 'tubby. She gave me her hat and we danced there for another hour or so, and when Realize??? played I just wanted to cry. Please listen to this song. It was Marleta's birthday the day before, we had just had an amazing experience at Sasquatch alone, but to be up on stage to a band we both love and to realize we won't see each other until January, was just euphoric and nostalgic. I still have that song stuck in my head. (here is a really interesting coincidence: The only other time Marleta saw the flaming lips was with her friend Dana Schwab, and they were on mushrooms and got onstage and wore alien and santa claus costumes.)
So with that long winded story that probably wasn't very interesting to those who weren't there, I make just one request: please if you see naked pictures or videos of me on the internet (and there are MANY) do not tag my name or send them to someone witht he message "whoa look at dana". I don't care that they're out there or that people see them, but I do care if people are looking up my name for something arbitrary when HOLY SHIT there I am in full vaginal force.
and if you find any good ones because you are a super perv and you're looking for them, SEND THEM TO ME!!!
yessum. dana, you were great. and i feel this years sasquatch will be hard to top....
dana you rock
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