Thursday, May 22, 2008

hey yall.

with sincerity i hope all is well.  my thoughts are with all and my regards belong to friends as we search for adventure and live intrigue, perpetually stumbling with purpose towards attainment of fun and a stock of knowledge for knowing, development of relationships and thoughts, arts, gasps and glimpses, big question marks, a casual shrug of the shoulders and sometimes a raised eyebrow that's razed by the guttural reply: huh.  

and it's important to constantly propose the question:  sup sup? because it is so easy to loose touch through distance and varying experiences, feelings and flows, goals and so on, or so forth.

after a brief overview of the posts from all yall, one of those smiles came across my face, and i raced to read them all.  i look forward to more to come.

but in brevity, and in using the oh-so-limiting medium of language, i hope to give an update to my personal whereabouts, plans, feeling, thoughts, etc...

- this year has been gorgeous.  reed college is interesting. i still don't know what to make of it, or my experience, the all encompassing intensity that reed college is.  academically, socially, whatever. and so due to my current inability to express my experience this year with reed, i will merely say: it is interesting. but commuting downtown to portland state and experiencing the university scene has been much appreciated.  a very different feel from reed and willamette.  exposure to city life has forced me to approach living differently and the exposure to so many people of difference has raised a lot of big questions for me.  

this past year has been filled with so much thought and personal reflection, fueled by different studies in different disciplines, engagements and interactions with people and places.  to grossly simplify, i think as a result of everything this year, i have come to a feeling of anomie. which has been exciting and intimidating simultaneously.  reading copious social theory and modern philosophy dealing with weber, marx, durkheim, nietzsche, bourdieu, derrida, foucault, existentialism, deconstruction, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism, exchange theory, phenomenology, feminist theory, modern/postmodern theory.  it has been so nice to find time to become acquainted with different sorts of social theory/philosophy. but studying myself and other people has ultimately led to multitudinous questions and very few answers. 

 portland is truly incredible.  i have been living with beautiful people and surrounded by absurdity, privilege, excitement, angst, struggle, reflexivity, adventure, so much fun, sadness, question marks, exclamation points, laughter, music, city life, academia, stimulation, elation, frustration, whatever. 

 life i guess. 

it has been a hectic few months. trying to figure out classes, credits, transcripts, major, graduating, scamming institutions, dealing with bureaucracy, solidification of plans, and so forth.  time and its limits have become obvious to me over the course of this year.

i've been traveling around the northwest, sailing sailboats and meeting other university students, and it has been oh so good.  

currently trying to finish an ethnography i'm writing on heterosexual male youth who strip at gay clubs.  it has proven to be exhausting.  i've been spending way to much time at the silverado downtown, talking with strippers and clients and owners.  becoming accustomed to nude men...

after several failed attempts at trying to find work in an alaskan fishery, i think i will spend summer in the seattle area, making money, merging with family and friends, and preparing for school in amherst, ma next year.  again preparing for a little more transition, adventure, and shit to set straight and what-not.  

however, with excitement i recently figured out that i'll graduate nearly a year early with a liberal studies major, hopefully freeing up some time to travel, make music and thoughts, pick up readings that have been only slightly penetrated.  get away from school and everything else.

i'll finish up with school come mid-june.  really looking forward to it.  anyone and everyone that is in the northwest should come visit and find intrigue, excitement, etc.

again, hope all is well.  hopefully specificity will come in the near future.

much love,


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