Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Book Recommendations

Jacob Needleman, Money and the Meaning of Life. Examines the relationship each of us has to money and how this mirrors our attitudes to life in general. Uses references to parable, religion, philosophy and economics.
Philippe Sands, Lawless World. I actually haven't started this, but this is supposed to be one of better accessible introductions of what international law really is. Also highly critical of US and UK administrations
Marcus Buckingham, Now, Discover Your Strengths. Suggests that you should really figure out the few things you are really good ("talented") in and just develop those. Includes a really good personality test to figure out the talents.
Marshall B. Rosenberg, Nonviolent Communication. Teaches one to communicate in a way that is both real, assertive of your needs and respectful of others and their needs. Audio is even better than the paper book.
Viktor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning. Thoughts on what is this that makes one survive regardless of circumstances. Frankl was a psychologist who was sent to four camps, one of them Auschwitz, during World War II.


bomonro said...

these books sound good. do you reckon i could check some of them out from MOHL?

Heiki said...

I think Hatfield has Frankl's book and you can get the others through the SUMMIT ( I'd suggest buying the Buckingham book though, since the test can only be taken once - it has a rub-off code. Or you can buy the test separately online AFAIK.