Taylor may or may not agree, but I think you should buy Albert Camus's Lyrical and Critical Essays. (Edited by Philip Thody)
This is a compilation of Camus's earlier essays before the French Algerian War. The prose is incredibly powerful, and it describes his deep relationship to the Earth. My favorite essay in it is called "Winds of Djemila."
I will be all over the place this summer, but you can send stuff to my campus box G165. And Sara, I definitely agree. They may have been a bit over my head at the time, but you are right, they are a great read...
12544 NW Hartford St
Portland, OR
Taylor may or may not agree, but I think you should buy Albert Camus's Lyrical and Critical Essays. (Edited by Philip Thody)
This is a compilation of Camus's earlier essays before the French Algerian War. The prose is incredibly powerful, and it describes his deep relationship to the Earth. My favorite essay in it is called "Winds of Djemila."
I will be all over the place this summer, but you can send stuff to my campus box G165. And Sara, I definitely agree. They may have been a bit over my head at the time, but you are right, they are a great read...
beaux monreaux
4816 liberty rd apt 27
salem, or 97306
81 Pinecrest Rd
Clancy Mt 59634
i'll be here 'till mid july
I'm reading A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini and it's good...
I'm about to start Lolita
has anyone read it?
I'm using my friend's address in Anchorage, where I'll be perhaps every other weekend:
2028 Brandilyn Circle
Anchorage, AK 99516
Have you read Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert? It's a good summer read, I think.
Timm and I will be unreachable for most of June and July. but we would love to have a full mailbox when we return to my house...
TimmVP and/or i-town
2911 Captain Cook Estates Circle
Anchorage, AK, 99517
Hola amigos!
Tumbaco, Barrio La Dolorosa, Calle Las Marias 385 y Juan Montalvo
Quito - Ecuador
Keep the adventuresup spirit :)!
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