Friday, June 13, 2008

baja or edinburgh?

I was planning on going to Baja for a NOLS course this Fall - a lot of you have heard me rant about this already. The NEW news is, I found out this week that I got accepted to a really rad program through the University of Edinburgh, a program from which I was certain I would be rejected. Basically, I would be interning with a member of Scottish Parliament for the semester. Students take five weeks of classes, basically a crash course, on Scottish and European government systems, then get lined up with a parliament member that matches their interests. The next 10 weeks are spent on an independent research project with the aid of an MSP. They even have two Green Party members right now...

It's a really tough decision, so if anyone has any wisdom to unload on me, pleeease do so stat. ASAP. pronto. Because for one, I need to decide soon, and two, fish may come any day now, and when that shit hits the fan, my life will be just shy of hell.


Hoo-lee-a said...

Edinburgh! NOLS will be there for you later if you want to do it (esp. if you've already gotten in once), but the Scottish thing sounds like the type of deal you'd need to jump on now. Plus, Britain is way cool. Cost of living might be a lot more, though- is it a paid internship?
Hope the quality controlling is off to a good start and that all of that reading hasn't been too hard on you guys!

Luci said...

I also vote EDINBURGH! Haggis is waiting for you Ian!!! I actually don't know what was the NOLS plan but you got accepted to Edinburgh and it sounds like a "once in a lifetime opportunity" (... besides I feel like it would be awesome for you to drink without getting M.I.Ps!)

Buena suerte amigo!

Sarsup said...

Do it! What's holding you back? You can do NOLS or something like it later on. This really sounds like a unique opportunity to learn, explore, and build valuable connections.

Sarsup said...

Also, imagine all of the plaid!!!

dkleinhe said...


NOLS will be there for you later, and Edinburgh is the fucking bomb diggity. You will love it.

I'm so happy for you!

HildSup said...

Make that 5 votes for Edinburg!

MaryBebop said...

Edinburgh sure is purty.

Sarsup said...

I don't know if you caught my drift, but let me make this more clear...


Megan said...

Give me an E-D-I-N-B-U-R-G-H! Goooo Ian!!!

bomonro said...

bo is going to bump schotland. DO IT