Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Perseverance Pays Part Time!

Does that subject line make any sense? Basically, after applying to what seems like every small business in the Portland Metro Area, somebody wants me! I will be working at the Industrial Cafe and Saloon, which is this chic yet industrial small restaurant and bar in NW Portland (26th and Vaughn).

The position is only part time, 3-5 hours a day, but I can choose to work 7 days a week. I am trying to figure out my work schedule and I am very open to suggestions. I have to work weekends, but I can choose what weekdays I want to work. If I do not choose to work them all, my employer will hire someone else and we could potentially pick up each other's shifts. This way, I could have a couple of days off at a time and I could be more open to supplementary employment. However, the job market in PDX is terrible right now, and I could foresee myself not being able to find any other work, so do I want to give up the opportunity to be working every day?

Ideally, I want to be working 40+ hour weeks, but I also want some free days to visit Salem and the coast and maybe even the bustling metropolis of Medford...and Eugene! So...should I commit to 7-day weeks with very short shifts each day or should I optimistically save a couple of days for more hours somewhere else (and a couple short road trips)? BEARCATZ, what should I doooOOooOoOo?!1!1

Yours in the City of Roses,



Hayley Weed said...

I vote supplementary employment.

That way, you leave space to play, and you can go to the Oregon Country Fair in Eugene!

Yours truly,


Hoo-lee-a said...

I second Hayley! Get out and play while you can, especially since you're going to be out on the other coast during the school year. (Wish I'd be around to visit you!)

!!!Elsa said...

Make silly soundz and listen to sad songz and the decision will come to you

Luci said...

I also vote for you to have a couple of free days off Sarsup!!

lots and lots of amoooooor!