Hi friends
Michal and I have made it nearly across the country in the past four weeks - we have just two weeks left before he gets on the plane to Poland.
Our time has been well spent. Because all of our money is spent on gas (4.23 in Cali!!!), we have been dumpster diving and busking and downright begging for food in the last month. Michal is a wonderful travel companion. He's not afraid to talk to anyone. We were driving through the back roads of Arkansas. "U-pick Strawberries" announced a hand-painted sign, but it was after 6 pm, and the road was blocked by a big CLOSED sign. (Note: Michal is a sucker for Strawberries - we dumpster dived two boxes of them in Arizona and he ate so many he was sick the next day.) I wanted to keep driving, but Michal said, "Come on, we might meet life-long friends in this place." So we traipse up the dirt road, and I'm fearing shotguns and hound dogs at any second. This is Arkansas. The lady who met us in her driveway was so delighted to meet a Pole - her husband is a Russian immigrant, and she said Michals' accentwas very similar to his. Then she took us to the field and told us the story of her marriage as we picked four pounds of fruit, and then she called her husband's cell phone so that Michal could use the three Russian words that he knew. Then she gave us an Arkansas shot glass for a souvenier, and a tupperware full of her husband's special chilled brined cucumbers, and said "God blessy'all" about fifty times. And the strawberries were free, ofcourse. Everyday is filled with wonders and miracles, if only we are open with this attitude of meeting a lifelong friend around the corner...
Love to you all from Anya and Michal
What a refreshing and great way to look at the world... glad to hear your trip went well and safely! Thanks for the post!
if you are already four weeks on the road ... I can just imagine how many friends you have!!! As Julia, I also love that way you look at the world... and I really fancy some strawberries now! Lots of love
p.s. is the car still painted ?
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