Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Hey all you bearcatz returning to WU next semester (and anyone else taking classes anywhere), whats your class schedule? Anyone? eh? anything interesting?


CHLM said...

these are mine:
Introduction to Sculpture
American Art & Culture
Advanced Media & Design
Introduction to Programming
(we will see about this last one)

i-town said...

mine -

Politics of Environmental Ethics
Civil Rights/American Judicial System
Politics and Economics of Health Care Policy
Athens in the Classical Age

also claire when you going back to the states? i am (hopefully) going to italy in early january.

CHLM said...

dang, I am going home on the December 20th, I am going to Prague from the 15th to the 18th or 19th if you want to meet up...

i-town said...

ahh I wish. I am stuck in Britain until the 21st.. but then off to CUBA!!

!!!Elsa said...

I have loooooooooooooooooooooove class with all of you! I think it´s at like 230-4 every day of my life...let´s make these bearcat afternoons a bit more fun

MaryBebop said...

Politics of Environmental Ethics
Environmental Geology+Lab
Roman Art and Architecture
Step Aerobics.

i-town said...

actually elsa I think it is from 230-ALWAYS