vice cream
Dearest Friends,
I have so much to say but I am having a hard time putting it into words! I am going to write about some feelings I have feeling. I will start with the good. I really love studying art all the time. Art school makes me feel not as worthless as Willamette sometimes makes me feel. I feel as though each day has purpose as I work on my projects. It feels right. I am often unsatisfied with my work, but I am satisfied with the fact that I am creating. It has really given me the chance to ponder up some ideas for my senior thesis. (I can’t fully describe all these ideas to you because they are all still floating around in pieces in my head, but I can tell you that it might involve etching and maybe screen-printing and hopefully books and perhaps some ideas of nostalgia and memory! Or maybe not…something to sort out at a later date). I am always inspired by the work of my classmates and I challenged to work harder. It is a good feeling. Other good feelings include: Gelato in my mouth, listening to my growing music collection, drawing the evenings with my roommates (extra good), pausing to look up at the Duomo on the walk to school, getting email from people that I care about, and hearing encouragement with my art studies.
Now on to the bad: One bad feeling that I have been experiencing lately is homesickness. I often feel guilty when I long to be in my own bed at home when I am living a fantasy life of art school in Florence. (So much that I am having reoccurring dreams about waking up at home and thinking I didn’t do anything while in Italy!) I want so badly to live each moment in the present, but it is something that I simply can not do. I feel childish for these thoughts because I have never been afflicted with homesickness (I never understood the kids at summer camp who couldn’t make it the whole two weeks without their parents) but the feeling is there and I can’t deny it. Some days I just really want a burrito and my bike and you. I am curious to know if you experience these feelings. I also wonder that if it is the knowledge that this situation is incredibly temporary makes these feelings more intense. Other bad feelings include: money stress, not getting any mail from people that I care about, being hung-over (Happy Halloween) and thinking about the economy crashing and burning. I know that seems like some bad feelings, but they must be experienced to make the good ones better.
I hope y’all are feelin’ some feelings! And sorry for getting so touchy feely on you. Har har har
You friend,
Claire H. Lindsay-McGinn
P.S. Keep checking out my flickr page, I put up some silly art.
Claire! I think we all have the feelings of fact mine have been worse in the last week too...However, I realize that it comes and goes and that this experience is worth it. Soon enough we will all be sitting in a circle on the floor of our new living room together, laughing about ridiculous things that happened to us while abroad. So, go out and make those ridiculous things happen! I miss you girl. Did you get my postcard?
Dear Clairebear!
I remember feeling those feelings too... what worked for me is to kind of accept but ignore those feelings because soon you will be home again, and talk to people, look for adventures and embracing the fact that it is inevitable to be out of my comfort zone... so just embraced it! hehe... lots of warm hugs y Mucho amor :)
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