Sunday, November 9, 2008

Oy gevalt

Geez my friends, do I miss you.

It has been a tremendously odd semester so far. For example, none of you are here - weird. I am still out of the Bistro which came as a huge disappointment for me because that is where I remember all of you best. The weather just got rainy the other day which is bizarre, as since it is Oregon it should've been real wet already. I had to find a new home for the Captain as he was discovered during fire inspections, another blow to the old friends who are now gone. He was just starting to get so fat and lazy, you would have all loved it.

All of this, I think, contributes to how f'ed life has been. I can't seem to sleep when I want to and can quite easily when I am not expecting to. No joke, I actually fell asleep into my bowl of soup a few weeks ago. In the middle of the day. In these odd sleep patterns I find myself making up my days in my dreams, which is to say my dream life has become very entangled in my waking life, to the point where I cannot differentiate between the two. This has led me to believe that I can still play the drums like I could over the summer, leading to a disastrous performance with Bo for our concert. Embarrassing!

You would all love this year's international students - they come from some new places including Finland and there's a guy from New Zealand. It's been a blast getting to know them. For example, the first one and a half months at WU we didn't miss a single happy hour at the Ram. Holy shit, it was nuts! And as a testament to how crummy the Ram is, they STILL don't know our names with a very few shining exceptions. Either case, it's been great with these kooky folks and, of course, everyone else we love is still here kickin'. You would all flip shit at the sight of Andy, Mary, Dan, Gallager and Sean's place, holy crow.

Um, I miss y'all dearly and am going mad without you, but I am glad to hear that you all seem to be doing very well in your places on the planet. I am up all sorts of odd hours of the night and day and I'd love to hear your voices so put me down on your skype'sup - the name's christoffer.monaco, ya got it?


Megan said...

I'm definitely skyping you friend

i-town said...

posted at 4:20? you've still got it, monaco.

Luci said...

I am sad captain was discovered, I wish I could make another trip with you to find a yummy rat for good old captain!

Hey ... besides that thought, I am soo happy you are getting along with the Intl. students... just... don´t forget your ecuadorian friend ok????

Lots of love!