So I pretty much love it here. I’ve made some really sweet friends and I feel like I’m always doing something new and exciting….hmm that sounds really formal and boring. Let’s see..
Two weekends ago I went to the beach with the Willamette crew and several of my friends from Quito. We spent the first afternoon playing in the sand and drinking Pedrito Coco to the sound of a mind game called La cajita musical (The music box). If was so interesting and challenging to play a mind game in spanish-probabaly one of the times that I’ve felt the stupidest here- but how else are you supposed to learn? After dinner our program director informed us that the beach is very very dangerous after dark and that no one was to be out past 6 pm…ha. So that night we danced across the beach that was lined with discotecas and eventually ended up swimming in the ocean for hours. It was a beautiful and unforgettable night. The next day we watched a surfing tournament, swam, and tried to understand our friends’ jokes in Spanish. That night we went out again. This night was a little more relaxing spent mainly conversing about philosophy and the beautiful things in life. However the night didn’t end as we all would have hoped. We decided to relive the previous night by swimming in the ocean again…leaving all our clothes and Kailey’s purse on the shore. As you’ve probably all predicted some young teenagers came up and stole Kailey’s purse which contained $60, her house keys, directions to her house, and both of our cell phones. The worst part is we watched it happen and didn’t do anything…
Last weekend was filled with music… something I’ve really been neglecting since I’ve been here due to the fact that I don’t want to listen to music in English and I don’t have any in Spanish. On Wednesday we watched my friend’s band play at a concert to support the new Ecuadorian constitution (very interesting. You should all read about it online!). Then on Friday we went to a Jazz concert in one of the grand plazas in the historic district of Quito. On Sunday we went to Quitofest, a three day long festival. We listened to a reggae group and two electro-funk bands. I’ve revived my love for live music and free concerts. I just love the contagious energy and the common love and expression of ideas….sigh

This Thursday I went to a small town called Mindo with a couple of friends. We passed our time drinking tequila, walking along the river, swimming in the rather dirty river and laughing at silly jokes. Last night we went “camping” in my friend’s back yard. We set up the tent, made a cozy bed and told scary stories that ended up being not so scary (the element of suspense is hard to capture in another language) so we just ended up laughing all night. It was incredible.
I know this wasn’t the most exciting post ever but I’m going to try to update more often….so much to tell, so little time. (so lazy!) Ooh as far as classes go I’m taking Ceramics, Soccer and The psychology of sexuality and attraction. I’m also working at a high school teaching English and Environmental stuff and at a hospital working with kids with leukemia. It’s all very interesting.
Oh and I've been spending a significant amount of time with my three nephews that live in an apartment below my's a pic of a great night that we spent together-Dana I though you might like this...

I love you guys- e-hug! I love and miss you all!
Hildes, you seem to be living quite the beautiful life! I am very happy for you that you've broken into the actual, local scene--that is remarkable in itself. I[d love to hear more...maybe an email *question, this keyboard is ridiculously fucked up. Please send my love to Kailey and Lucia, and, oh, I miss you un monton! Pazzz
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