Friday, July 18, 2008

any advice? consejos?

So Hilde arrived yesterday to Ecuador! "#$%/()==??¡?)&&JFTR%&%/! I am soo happy for that! She actually said she had spent 10 amazing days with Taylor in Montana... and Taylor... are you coming over in November??? that would be fantastic!

So Hilde arrived, a friend called Joshua came with me to meet her, we waited for a while... when I finally saw her I hugged her soo much I might have overdone it..hehehe beautiful anyway! She looked pretty tired, we wanted to kidnap her to go and experience some Quito nightlife but besides been tired she was just meeting her host family so... I did not insist. Anyway, she left for the Galapagos today and is back in a week! I am looking forward to seeing her.

Besides that, and after exciting times at the Galapagos and the subtropical rainforest I am finally doing an internship at the Communications office at the Ministry of Foreing Affairs. The first days were a bit boring as I did not have many assignments but now it is getting better. I had to do a couple of leaflets for a fair which will take place in Guayaquil next week. I basically had to say everything that the Government is doing for refuggees in Ecuador. I had to kind of rush and in 3 hours I learnt many interesting things, basically Ecuador has more than 90 000 Colombians from which 60000 are escaping extreme violence in their country. I learnt why is it so important to receive refuggees and understood better the status of a refuggee, they can actually work and live here which I find great taking into account the horrible situations they are coming from.

In general things are good I am going tomorrow on a long bike ride and a friend's bbq on sunday which should be good.

Well, something that is on my head, and I don´t know what to do about it and would love some advice... is the following: After I did that week of translation in the Galápagos for the University, I got asked if I wanted to work from this September until January there replacing a woman that is pregnant and that needs to leave because she is soon due (she organizes the groups of students that come and things like that...)Yesterday I talked again with the head of the university and he insists in me going, he is going to propose a salary and I might not even have to pay for rent as they have dorms there and I can stay in one.The alternative would be for me to do distance education this semester while I work there...I have always wanted to live in the Galapagos for a bit and I don´t know when else will I have the chance. However there are things like been present at Uni, sharing time with Hilde (that really has a lot of weight for me) and to just focus on finishing my I just don´t know what to do!!!!any advice?

Les extraño mucho!!!

besos y abrazos siempre :)


dkleinhe said...

Luci- It's nice to read your blog- i can hear your voice in my head!! I miss you!

So if you get the job on the Galapagos, how often can you leave the islands and return to Quito? Because if you have a lot of mobility (and the money is really good!) I would say take the island job.

but on the other hand if it difficult to get to Quito from the islands, maybe reconsider. Hilde and kailey will probably never live in Ecuador again, and so this is unique. Also, once you finish your degree you will have opportunities like this one on the islands all the time.

I guess my advice is to ditch the job. Next year you can reapply and if they are this eager to hire you this year I'm sure they will be next year, plus you will have an extra year of education. You are FROM Ecuador- finding a job on the galapagos will be easy if you really want to do it in the future.

I hope this helps but just remember you will be happy with either decision.
Love, Dana

Luci said...

Thanks Dana! that is really helpfull! :) You are so sweet!
Ya tienes planes para este semestre? Hope you are doing great!!! Miss you too ! muchos abrazos ricos.