Saturday, December 20, 2008
Engine Engine Number 9
I'm not sure how many of you will be blogging or checking supsup this holiday season, but I hope this post brings a smile to your beautiful faces wherever you are.
It is 1030am and I am on a train, traveling to London. I departed from Waverley Station in Edinburgh for the last time this morning, and despite the ridiculous holiday journey I have ahead of me, that departure was perhaps one of the most heartbreaking moments of my life. I have talked to many of you over the past few months, and I think I got all of one post in about two months ago, but this wasn't out of neglect. I check this shit every few days. I have just been so incredibly busy and happy and full of life that I could not find time to write anything until now. Edinburgh is the most wonderful city I have ever been in, and I am sure I am biased on account of the spoiled lifestyle I lived and the remarkable people I shared my time with, but still, I cannot help but envy children lucky enough to be born in Scotland's capital.
I believe I mentioned in my last blog my discontent with the fact that I found myself falling into place with a crew of Americans. I definitely completely withdraw that notion - the group that I was a part of, the bonds that we forged, and the experiences we had were among the most heartwarming and spectacular of my life. (in the words of my friend and flatmate Adam, "this semester was like kindergarten... but if you lived with your classmates, and could go out drinking every night...)
I also met a girl here, a wonderful, beautiful, brilliant and kind gal from Philly named Kate who goes to Brown. I don't want to rant and rave too much but she really was fantastic and, dare I say, close to perfect for me. Every moment I spent with her was remarkable, and while I am not sure if we have a future, on account of the distance, we are definitely keeping in touch, and I suppose we will just give it time and see what happens.
My friendships here have also been extraordinary, but also unusual for me. I have never really had a solid group of guy friends - that's not to say Timm and Chris and Tyguy aren't solid friends, I really just want to emphasize the group dynamic. Each crew I have been a part of has consisted of at least half girlies, and while I definitely LOVE all of you lady friends, I must say it was really great to have an awesome group of guys to hang out with. Unfortunately, of the friends I made in my programme, only two live on the West coast, and they both go to school in the East. I will miss them all greatly, but it is very exciting to be coming back to Salem (errr... well, maybe not Salem, but definitely Willamette!) and all/most of you in January.
weeellll, as I mentioned, I'm on a train to London. I only have the day there, so I hope I can make the most of it, but it sure is shitty out (seems to be a pretty common theme here in the UK). I am meeting my uncle tonight, and in the morning we are flying to Havana, where I will get to spend fouuurrr lovely days getting some solid R&R. Christmas day I fly to London for a holiday brunch with my uncle and his friends, then in the evening I am flying to Paris on my own to stay at my uncle's flat. I have a Interrail pass, which I am hoping to use excessively. I have a tentative plan to go through about 8 countries with a sort of culmination when I (hopefully) meet Sol in Amsterdam for NEW YEARS 2009!! I do not yet have a ticket back to the states, my uncle is (again, hopefully) hooking me up with a cheap flight to somewhere in the states and then I can find my way to PDX. I am hoping to pass through Philadelphia for a week or so to see Kate and some other kids from my program (somehow a good 30% of the students were from Philly or the surrounding area...) and then!!! SPRING SEMESTER 2009!!! yay.
I'm not sure where I'm living yet (hint hint... you know who you are) but even if I end up on campus again I will be content. Looking forward to so many things... BGB, settling Catan, B I G DUMPS, the bistro!! I will see you all so soon.
i town
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
so long EU
Firenze Night
Monday, December 15, 2008
happy dia de santo lucia (day of light in sweden)

That is, me, and the two other gringos living here at Pina Palmera: Al, a slightly obnoxious man in his 40´s whose sole source of knowledge about cooking comes from a book called Fanny Farmer, and my friend Jeff, a vegetarian who has no experience meddling in the lives of animals. I as well did not have any experience in this area, but upon realizing this a little image of Lucia Norris popped into my head saying ¨its a once in a lifetime opportunity!!!¨ And so it goes. Blood, feathers and turkey drippings later we prepared a beautiful thanksgiving meal to share with the community at Pina Palmera. (Side note: we actually saved the feathers to make dream catchers. crafty? yes.) Before eating the meal everyone went around and said one thing they were grateful for, and then, we ate. and sang, and danced, and ate again, alllll through the night.
Friends, I am so grateful that bearcatz sup-sup is in my life and that I have the opportunity to listen (well read, but really I hear all your voices) to all of your beautiful stories! And while I have been listening attentively, I have failed to write anything myself. So here are some stories.
I have been living on the coast of Oaxaca for about 3 months now, volunteering at Pina Palmera - a center for rehabilitation for people with disabilities. My role here? Changes everyday but could involve anything from working in our handicraft store, to chopping things with a machete en la huerta (what a wonderfully satisfying tool) to playing goal ball (a sport invented after WWII for blind war veterans. check it out ) to dancing to U2 with Jose (one of the adults here with autism whose two favorite things in life are cars and U2) and the list goes on.
Overall, life is very tranquillo here and I have grown to be quiet content spending my afternoons simply reading in a hammock or perfecting my sand castle skills at the beach with Elsa. (Fun fact: the beach I am living at is a nudist beach! I haven´t fully taken advantage of this liberty yet, but Elsa and Dana are planning to visit this coming week, in which case we will go WILD!
As far as the spring goes, I am planning to study abroad with a program based out of Chiapas that focuses on social movements throughout Mexico. I`m pretty excited about getting back into the academic scene and learning more about what I think to be some of the most interesting social movements going on in Mexico. My program ends May 2nd in Ciudad Juarez, in which time I plan to return to Oaxaca to visit the people I have been working with here at Pina. Then, travel! I am still planning to dance in Lucia Norris`s kitchen with her mom and eat lots of peanutbutter, so I will have about a month to get over to Ecuador by late May to see her graduate! I encourage and support you all to come!
A word I really like using is spanish is YA. translation: that`s it, enough, no more, YA.
entonces... YA! that´s it for now bearcatz.
Lots of love, feathers and turkey drippings,
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Oh, Harvard men, you're so enlightened
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Yet Another Awakening
I am studying connectivity. We can only understand our individual places on this planet once we deconstruct the context in which we exist. A synthesis of historical, economic, and political approaches is vital to understanding the fluid power dynamics that define each and every one of our interactions and relationships. Globalization did not simply begin in the 1960s or 80s or 90s; globalization describes a process, which must be historicized. This means that every time I ask "why?" the answer I find necessarily demands another "why". That is not to say that I am working in circles. With each new layer of "whys", I find myself digging deeper into this endless search.
So, how can I sleep? How can I sleep when I don't know who lobbied the government to subsidize the production of the food that I am eating? I don't know whose small businesses suffered from inflated corporate market power. I don't know what toxins and green house gases were released into whose towns to produce my food or for that matter to package and transport that food. I don't know what portion of the price I paid is going to the people who produced my food or the people who sold me my food at the grocery store. I don't know where the packaging of my food will wind up once it leaves my trash can, and I don't know whose neighborhood will take on the burden of my waste or whether or not more toxins will be released in some town that has the disadvantage of being the site of an incinerator.
The cliche is true; you are what you eat. I am what I consume. I am the criminally low wages of factory workers, the disproportionately high number of toxins released into low-income neighborhoods, the withholding of health care from the pregnant check-out woman. I am the melting of the polar ice caps. I am the enslavement of children and the trafficking of human beings. I am war, poverty, and suffering. I am torture. And let me tell you, shopping at Whole Foods or Trader Joe's will not help me sleep at night.
Oppression is systemic, and we are all a part of this system. We urgently need to explore real alternatives now for humanity and the planet. Electing Barack Obama is not going to cut it.
Yours in the land of lesbians and socialists and lesbian socialists,
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
As the days get shorter and darker...
Monday, December 1, 2008
OK, maybe it wasn't that intense or exciting, but it felt that way for me after being indecisive for so long. A phone call from Christine, an old neighbor who moved back to Hawaii, was the kick in the pants I needed. It feels good to be under pressure to reach a goal soon- busy season starts very shortly, so I'd better find a spot quick. I do miss working under pressure a bit: I guess old habits die hard.

In the meantime, not too much to report since my last posting. I have visited a couple of schools, including UMaine and the New England Culinary Institute in Vermont. It didn't knock my socks off like I expected, but the trip was a blast. I went with my friend Kyle and got to spend a night visiting my roomie Britt from Alaska (a UMaine alum from NH!). Kyle and I both (figuratively) drooled a little when we drove through the White Mountains, eager to hit the trail again. We got quite a snowstorm on the way back, which was rather exciting. Culinary school is still on my radar, but not as much in the forefront as it was previous to the visit and a chat with Geneva's mom about the difference between a passion and what makes you tick day-in, day-out. I know I love food and cooking, but I think that working in a restaurant likely wouldn't be the best outlet for that passion or the most gratifying career I might pursue.
I also got to spend a week in Tucson, Arizona, visiting my friend Alex from work this summer. We did quite a bit of hiking, which was great. One thing I've come to realize recently is how much I really love hiking. I may not be the most experienced backpacker, but sometimes I feel like the queen of day hikes. I also had no idea how much I'd like the southwest- it's beautiful, and entirely different than other landscapes I've seen. And it's surprising how easy it is to adjust to 80 degrees and sunny... what a shock when I had to walk back to my car at the airport in 12-degree darkness. Brr.

But for now, I'm doing the cold-weather chant. The pond out front looks like glass, but it's not quite frozen enough. Good. That gives me time to get my skates sharpened. :-)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Muchas Gracias!!!
You are all so beautiful and I seriously feel so blessed for having had the chance to enter a while in your lifes. Besides, you write in the most fantastic way ever, I wish I could express myself halfway the way you do! In contrast, I am sure my writing will have you all thinking I need a couple of hours at the writing center.. but anyways!
You are all such an inspiration and ... I learn so much when reading from you and I just feel relieved that this blog was created! and just hoping that I will have the opportunity to share with you all again!
My life this semester has just one adjective: hectic. That is not that great and I just wish I could jump into your stories and share them with you for a moment. I don´t even know if it is worth it to tell you my stories because they are just so different from all the adventures you are all having!
I am in senior year, apparently this is the way it should be at uni... but I was seriously not expecting it. Academicallywise my classmates and I are accomplishing a couple of good things, we just did a campaign to fundraise to build a "puente peatonal" ( a bridge for people to cross over the road) in a place that was needed and I have organized a couple of events, one with Tango dancers and the other one with a comediant that talks about the weird and funny situations that people find themselves in when they arrive to Ecuador, it is very funny! all these as part of my events class!
Anyways! Even though we don´t celebrate thanksgiving here, I love the fact that you guys have a day to be thankful...
I just hope you will have a beautiful amazing evening with friends.
All of you changed my life in different beautiful ways and I feel so blessed and happy for that... I miss you all so much and I miss my life in Salem sharing time with you, sorry for repeating this so many times... limitations of language don´t let me express completely how lucky I feel and I just hope that some of this happiness and love I feel for you my friends will get to you -i weirdly think that repetition might make it-!
I will be celebrating here too in my own way having you in my mind!!! hopefully Hilde and I will make sushi on Saturday too! :)
Love you so much!!!! (just in case you didn´t get that already)
p.s. I am so glad that Obama won!!! and yes... it seems like the whole world does... we do have a new hope that things can be better and at the same time it must be so difficult to be the next president of the U.S.! Pobrecito!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I'm so so sorry

I just have to preface this with I'm so so sorry that this is so so long. I was writing this for my family, and I just kept thinking of things I had to include until all of a sudden I was at 6 pages. I really wanted to post it here, even though I know that few of you will actually take the time to read it all, because it was too much effort to go back and edit it and thin it down. So here is my recap in it's full entirety, and again, please do not feel like you need to read it. Maybe after finals and everything you can take the time to read it....It's long, and probably boring.
But I thought it was extremely interesting. Dare I say it changed my life?
So here’s an explanation of what I did in Chiapas, el Istmo, y La Costa.
First, we traveled all night long to San Cristobal de Las Casas, 12 hours on a very very windy road, two hours into which my seat neighbor threw up into a bag. When we got to San Cristobal at 8 the next morning, we were greeted by Julio, one of the nicest, humblest, wisest people I think I will ever know. Because he’s so well connected with social activists in San Cristobal he served as our guide and chauffer that week. We got put into our home stays that morning, and I lived with a woman named Cheri in her lovely house downtown.
These first few days in San Cristobal were really eye opening because up until this point I had really only known Oaxaca City and had a very short stay in Mexico City which was so big it is nearly impossible to get to know. In San Cristobal my first impressions were the diversity of languages and peoples, and the immense disparity of wealth. Now, Oaxaca City is by all definitions a tourist city. It’s not uncommon to be in a café with ALL white people if you know where to go, but in San Cristobal I invented a game in which I would TRY to meet someone from Chiapas. There are people from all over Europe, Asia, Africa, the Americas and they probably constitute 75% of the people you see on the streets and in the shops. The other 25% I would say were the poorest citizens of Mexico, the indigenous men and women from the Chiapan highlands who speak nothing but tzotzil and other native languages. People talk about Oaxaca as a city with a large indigenous community, and that may be true, but it was still markedly different. In the markets in the city all you hear are indigenous languages, and they usually have someone of a younger generation translating your purchase into Spanish. On the streets young girls and boys, all below the age 10 because that’s when they actually have to start REAL work, run up to you and try to sell you bracelets, belts, or big beautiful scarves. They all wear traditional garments and run around without shoes.
That first day in San Cristobal was a sunny, t-shirt weather day, but after that the city showed her true colors and it was misty and cold, very much like Seattle weather. I have a good friend from Willamette studying abroad there, so we met up and walked around and looked at churches. Besides that, we were pretty busy meeting with different NGO’s and social activists to talk about stuff like the economic crisis (or should I say the collapse of imperialist capitalism) in the United States, militarization of the Chiapan highlands, the Zapatista struggle, alternative models of education and traditional indigenous medicine.
On the fourth day of that week we had the extreme privilege of going to two of the most remarkable places I’ve been to. Following a serpentine road way up into the cold wet mountains we arrived first at Acteal. Acteal is a very small community who out of necessity formed a non-violent religious social movement called “las Abejas” or, the Bees, in 1992. They fight against the government stealing land from the indigenous communities who have lived there for centuries, the exact same goals as the Zapatistas, (which makes it interesting that they were formed two years before the world met the EZLN) only through prayer and peaceful protests. Because of their “radical and dangerous” activities, the Mexican government took several people as political prisoners in 1997. On December 22, 1997, 45 members of this communities, many also Abejas, were praying in their little church in Acteal when they were surrounded by paramilitaries and continuously shot at. 15 children, 21 women (4 of which were pregnant) and 9 men were shot and killed, the pregnant women torn open to ensure death to their unborn children, and an additional 25 were injured. We met with the leader of this organization and he told us a long history of the organization and so many of its activities, only mentioning the massacre for a brief 10 minutes. We were sitting on this large cement platform, and at the end of his hour long talk he asked us, “So you want to go down and see our cemetery?” and we realized then that platform we sat on was the roof to a very large tomb. We went below and saw the 45 spaces marked off with small name placards. Lining the walls were photos of the dead, crosses, paintings, tributes, more crosses and candles. I at this point lost it. I know that many of my compañeras also felt the way I did, but my emotion manifested itself in liquid form. I became a puddle of snot and tears as I tried to gulp down my loud hollow sobs.
After the massacre, that same day, the bodies were rounded up and put into pick-up trucks to be burned or dumped in mass graves. But it was too late- there had been witnesses, and the witnesses called the press, a much more effective law enforcer than the police here in México. The media arrived, and the police followed, and the paramilitaries ran and hid. They took the bodies to be autopsied and then returned them to Acteal, and the half-assed investigation began. Of course nothing was ever found, no one was ever tried, and no one is in jail except for more Abejas.
So who are the paramilitaries? They’re not government supported in theory, yet they do a lot of the government’s dirty work. What happens is that the government tries to come into the mountains and steal land. The people there protest. The government installs military bases in “strategic zones” (next to natural resources). The people who live in the communities end up walking by these military bases everyday, and they begin to get to know the military men. Once they become friends, when no ones around they might start playing around with guns, and the young indigenous men think, “That looks like fun! I want to be in the army too!” And the military responds, “well you’ll need a bunch of years of training… but if you want to help us out, I can let you borrow my gun and train you a little bit… and then you can help us out with some exercises,” all the while indoctrinating their pro-government beliefs. The young indigenous men train unofficially, and when the time is right their enlisted to help in a project, totally out of the government’s hands, and yet representative of what the government would like to be done. The young indigenous men attack their own community for being “radical” or “narcotraficos”.
I know that this explanation of paramilitary forces is very vague and incredulous, but this is how it was told to me. I encourage you all to do your own research to fill in the gaps of this explanation.
After Acteal, we stopped and had a great big lunch in a little rural town. All 20 of us ate the same three things: scrambled eggs with sausage, quesadillas and “meat” tacos (it’s always a mystery…) plus drinks, salsa, tortillas, avocados. Then we kept traveling and arrived deep in the clouds to Oventik, a Zapatista Caracol. The Zapatistas are a social movement against the Mexican government. The roots go way back, but the world first heard of the Zapatistas on New Year’s Day 1994 when they took armed control of various cities in Chiapas. They demanded that the government give them total control of their region, citing various constitutional guarantees that protect indigenous land rights. They took up arms because they had tried for so many years to get their demands through the lawful means, but always without success. The first 12 days were violent, many people lost their lives, but the vast majority the poor, indigenous farmers who made up the Zapatista National Liberation Army, or as it’s known by its Spanish initials, the EZLN. After that the EZLN retreated back into the jungle, completely hidden. They haven’t taken up arms since, so the critique that we all hear that they are a violent radical movement should be discredited. They had meetings with all levels of the government after that and finally came to some agreements, called “Los Acherons de San Andres”. These are agreements that the government signed on, and yet NONE of them have ever been met. Finally, frustrated with working “through” the law when it never has worked, they declared complete autonomy. They created autonomous regions where there are large Zapatista strongholds. They accept no aid from the government in these regions—no schools, hospitals, or funds. They set up their own form of government which is truly democratic. Decisions are only made after every single person in the community comes to agreement, which you can imagine is a very long and tedious process. They do this through assemblies where everyone speaks and is heard. They take hours, and several meetings to really come to decisions, but the beauty of it is everyone agrees, not the 51% majority that leaves 49% of people really unhappy like we practice in our country. In the Zapatista government, at these assemblies people are also elected as representatives of the community. These representatives then meet up in what is called the “Junta de Buen Gobierno” or “The Good Government Collective for every region which is based inside “El Caracol,” or “Shell,” and begin to implement decisions made at the assemblies. The Caracol has actually more than one translation: it means shell, snail, spiral, and horn. All of these have beautiful symbolism for what the caracol represents in their communities. The motto of their government, la Junta, is “mandar por obedecer,” which means “command by obeying,” because the representatives never just invent projects or decide what to do without consulting with the greater community. Or more than just consulting, without waiting to hear what the community actually wants. The Junta positions rotate, but it’s kind of complicated so I don’t really understand how it all works. I know that they are in la Junta for 1 week at a time, in that time they live at the Caracol. They are only allowed to be representatives for 3 years before they’re switched out completely. This method ensures that everyone is truly represented and prevents an abuse of power. Inside the Caracol, like the one we went to at Oventik, there are the government buildings, basically just wooden buildings with chairs inside, a totally autonomous school and medical center, and then cooperatives where artisans make beautiful products and the money goes directly to them and their communities.
Why do they wear masks? Lou Anne wants to know. Well for various reasons, symbolic and practical:
1. During their armed rebellion, and even now, it was obviously very useful to be anonymous.
2. The mask, symbolically, erases their individual identity so that they may be one collective Zapatista unit. That’s why when they are in positions of power they all wear the mask, or as it’s called in Spanish, la pasamontaña (pass through the mountain).
3. When only your eyes show it’s nearly impossible to lie, because, as Julio says, “the eyes are the windows to the soul.” This, albeit symbolic, tactic represents the need for truth. And it is really acted upon. The Zapatistas have never lied or misconstrued their aims and strategies to the Mexican government or the general public. They only ask to not be lied to as well.
The EZLN first “declared war” on that day in 1994 with their “first declaration.” They keep adding more declarations, and now they’re up to the 6th, which was announced this year. Each one basically outlines what their vision is for Mexico and for the world, which all fall in line with their main motto, “un mundo donde quepan muchos mundos,” or “one world where many worlds have a place”. This phrase is painted in murals all over their villages, and I think it’s really beautiful. IT doesn’t tell anyone else how to live their life or how to form their society, but just requests a chance for their own little world to have the right to exist. In the first declaration, they clearly gave rights to all kinds of people; for the first time for many indigenous women in this region they had the right to be sold into marriage, the right to join the army, the right to be in peace. The army’s official position on women is that even though they only make up 40% of the actual soldiers, they must represent 60% of the top positions. This is intentionally an unequal representation of women because the EZLN values their voices and ideas, and is also responding to a culture where women have always had way less than equal treatment.
Right now, the Zapatistas are also working on their “otra campaña,” or “other campaign,” which they launched in 2006. In 2006, especially in the state of Oaxaca but all over Mexico, there were a bunch of shady and fraudulent elections. So at this time, Subcomandante Marcos, the spokesperson for the movement, went all around Mexico campaigning for a different world, a different form of politics. He gives very eloquent speeches and is one of Latin America’s most prolific writers. He calls himself the “SUBcomandante” because he’s below the people’s command, he leads by obeying.
When we got to the caracol we had to show our passports before they would let us in, and Julio, our wonderful host, explained who we were and why we were there. Julio himself has been to the caracol many times, but the people receiving us didn’t know that because of the rotating positions. Also, because they were all wearing masks, he didn’t know if he’d ever met any of them before either. That same night we got permission to meet with the Junta. They are the people in masks in my picture. Julio introduced us and why we were there, to learn from their way of life. We wanted to ask questions, he explained, so they told us to compile a list of questions and submit it that same night and then the next day we will regroup and they’ll give us a little lecture.
We went back to the dirt-floored auditorium where we slept on the ground that night to start deciding what we wanted to ask. It was hard to do because no one wanted to ask something stupid, but at the same time we didn’t want our questions to be so lofty and academic. As this process started, a girl from our program was feeling rather ill. She thought it was probably just the twisty car trip, but then threw up inside on the dirt floor. A few of us rushed to help her clean up and she began eating a little bit and resting. Then, another girl said, “It’s probably just from being around Megan while she threw up, but I’m feeling pretty nauseous….” And moments later she too was throwing up on the floor inside the auditorium. A few more of us were feeling pretty gross at this point, but we held it together and made the list of questions. By the time we all got settled in our sleeping bags on the dirt floor or on wooden benches (me curled up with a little stray kitten…so cute and I escaped flea free!) another girl had thrown up. I slept like a little baby, and when I woke up I discovered that HALF of our group had been violently ill throughout the night, several of them throwing up inside where we were sleeping and many making desperate and rushed trips to the bathroom. It was in this state that we met again with the Junta, a few of the girls reluctantly opting out of the visit. The Junta answered our questions for about an hour, and then we unfortunately had to take off right away to care for our victims of food poisoning. * the craziest thing about the food poisoning was that we all ate literally from each others plates and yet some of us never got sick at all, like me. I think it’s because I’ve been so gung-ho from the start in tasting all the different tacos and juices on the streets in Mexico that my stomach developed pretty strong bacteria. I was one of four who never had…ehem…intestinal difficulties.
From Chiapas we went to the Istmo of Oaxaca. If you look at a map of Oaxaca you’ll see how the Eastern edge just out into Chiapas a bit. Well there is a city there called Juchitán (hoo-chee-tahn). First we visited an organization that works with the Muxe population. Muxe’s are men who are gay and also cross dress. In the indigenous culture they make up practically a third gender, and they’re really well respected because also in the culture men and men can’t get married and live together but they can have long open relationships, and so every parent hopes that they’ll have at least one Muxe son to stay home and take care of them until they die. Juchitán is a prominent trade spot, and has been for centuries, and the Muxe’s have a very active role in the economic activities of the area.
Then we went to the outskirts of the city where most of the land is under ejido control. Ejido’s were created after the Mexican Revolution as a land reform that gave more to peasants. They’re communally owned properties where many families live and cultivate. If you are an ejido owner it’s very easy to pass your portion down to your descendants, so all of the ejidos have been owned communally for a really long time (especially because before the Mexican revolution, indigenous people’s already “owned” communally the same terrains. It was just made into “law” after the revolution.). This part of the Mexico is also one of the windiest places in the world. Well lately, as part of a development plan, the government has been getting these ejido land owners to sign over their lands to transnational corporations. The project we specifically focused on was by a Spanish company called Iberola (?) who builds wind farms. They went door to door getting signatures on contracts from peasants, 90% of whom were illiterate. They completely tricked them, saying that they would be able to use their land the exact same way before, that they would get the profits from the windmills, and that they would be providing jobs and a renewable source of energy to their community. Unfortunately, the restrictions listed on another part of the contract, only available through legal pressure, stated that they couldn’t grow trees, couldn’t use any creeks on the land, couldn’t build any structures, couldn’t graze their cattle, couldn’t grow corn, the energy generated was actually to be used for bigger cities around the area (some plans are in the works to transport it all the way to the U.S. border), the windmills don’t generate profit until after the three year mark (curiously the contracts are on three year time frames..). Not to mention the problems with the technology: the wind farms are negatively impacting migratory bird patterns, killing bats who eat insects which cause more plagues on their crops, the noise of the blades hurts people’s ears, especially when they’re still developing, there is the “strobe-light-effect” of the sun being reflected off the blades which has led to seizures, the bases have to be supported by half a kilometer of in ground cement, so they’re filling giant holes in the ground with cement. A few times they’ve proposed a sight to put the windmill, dug the hole, and then changed their mind, so now there are very dangerous holes where farmers have found carcasses of cattle and horses. This is all proposed by the government, and yet the profits don’t ever go to the people, they go to transnational corporations. The government is making a path for businesses to generate profits, even at the expense of its own citizens. We met with an organization that educates the community about these issues so that they can halt the expansion of the wind farms. They’re also trying to get lawyers for the ejido owners so that they can take these issues to court.
Hearing about all these issues was a huge blow to me as an environmentalist. I’ve always thought wind energy is a great idea and with the right technology it could really change the world. That still might be true, but it’s making me question Who is going to develop this technology? The government or businesses? And if businesses do it, and if their main goal is to earn money, how are we going to respect communities and protect their rights to say no to transnational corporations? These wind farms are actually bad for the environment, they’re bad for people’s health, and they’re breaking up well established and well integrated communities, all for the sake of profit.
After the Istmo, we went down to Zipolite and Puerto Escondido, two gorgeous coastal towns, where we had three days of vacation. Now I’ve got a suntan.
Now we’re all starting our independent study projects that last one month. I’m working with a non-governmental organization called INSO, which in English means the institute of Oaxacan nature and society. I've wrote up a lesson plan that teaches the kids about the Oaxacan environment, or at least calls their attention to a few environmental problems, and have been going to 6th grade classes for an hour and a half everyday to do the activity. It's been interesting and challenging, and I'm really happy to be doing what I'm doing.
So sorry my email is 6 pages long. I hope that you all read some or part of it!
Love, Dana
Thursday, November 20, 2008
sometimes a great notion
certainly monumental
my time in Africa is almost at a close, two months travels by in the blink of an eye with only memories and an ever growing beard to show for it. This has, to say the least, been a awe inspiring, thought provoking, one intellectual stimulant to the next, time. every experience has come so quickly with little time to synthesis or let the emotional dust settle to understand to full capacity what in the world (no pun intended), is going on. I wish there was a way for me to describe in great detail, but unfortunately i cannot bring myself to write something that would be substantial enough to feel good about. Life continues, and at the close of my time in Tanzania i can lift my chin high, face the east and see 6 more months of awakening yet tiresome travel. I feel again, the absence of a home, and as i read through the blog for the first time of having access to the internet in close to 6 weeks, again i am reminded of how much i love each and all of you. until paths cross and minds meet, and our lives continue to quiver us into new identities, i wish whole heartedly, the best for all.
with a continuing growing love,
hakuna matata
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The Beyond
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Oy gevalt
It has been a tremendously odd semester so far. For example, none of you are here - weird. I am still out of the Bistro which came as a huge disappointment for me because that is where I remember all of you best. The weather just got rainy the other day which is bizarre, as since it is Oregon it should've been real wet already. I had to find a new home for the Captain as he was discovered during fire inspections, another blow to the old friends who are now gone. He was just starting to get so fat and lazy, you would have all loved it.
All of this, I think, contributes to how f'ed life has been. I can't seem to sleep when I want to and can quite easily when I am not expecting to. No joke, I actually fell asleep into my bowl of soup a few weeks ago. In the middle of the day. In these odd sleep patterns I find myself making up my days in my dreams, which is to say my dream life has become very entangled in my waking life, to the point where I cannot differentiate between the two. This has led me to believe that I can still play the drums like I could over the summer, leading to a disastrous performance with Bo for our concert. Embarrassing!
You would all love this year's international students - they come from some new places including Finland and there's a guy from New Zealand. It's been a blast getting to know them. For example, the first one and a half months at WU we didn't miss a single happy hour at the Ram. Holy shit, it was nuts! And as a testament to how crummy the Ram is, they STILL don't know our names with a very few shining exceptions. Either case, it's been great with these kooky folks and, of course, everyone else we love is still here kickin'. You would all flip shit at the sight of Andy, Mary, Dan, Gallager and Sean's place, holy crow.
Um, I miss y'all dearly and am going mad without you, but I am glad to hear that you all seem to be doing very well in your places on the planet. I am up all sorts of odd hours of the night and day and I'd love to hear your voices so put me down on your skype'sup - the name's christoffer.monaco, ya got it?
Saturday, November 8, 2008
cucurrucucu paloma
I love you all.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
It's been too long, non?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Beach livin/ i love you
Elsa now builds internationaly-renowned sand castles.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Thoughts on feelings

Dearest Friends,
I have so much to say but I am having a hard time putting it into words! I am going to write about some feelings I have feeling. I will start with the good. I really love studying art all the time. Art school makes me feel not as worthless as
Now on to the bad: One bad feeling that I have been experiencing lately is homesickness. I often feel guilty when I long to be in my own bed at home when I am living a fantasy life of art school in
I hope y’all are feelin’ some feelings! And sorry for getting so touchy feely on you. Har har har
You friend,
Claire H. Lindsay-McGinn
P.S. Keep checking out my flickr page, I put up some silly art.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Cuando tengas ganas, solo hazlo!

This is a conjunctive effort from Hildsup and Luces’up
While Hilde goes outside… I can just say that we have eaten too much bread with too much flour in it.
Thursday: We went to Papallacta! Papallacta is tucked in between two huge mountains where we knew pools of
Saturday: We decided to make “Colada Morada” and “guaguas de pan”. This is a yearly Ecuadorian tradition for the “día de los muertos” where indigenous people bring these delicacies to the graves of their dead death loved ones family members (we had an argue on how to say this). Well, we said we were going to meet up at four in Luci’s house. Hilde should have remembered the first conversation we had when she arrived: “You can take any bus BUT the one that says “LUMBISI” on it”. Well, she took it. Two hours later than we had planned, we met up. She loved the cows and the crazy drunk people on the two hour bus ride that brought her back to where she started. Bien, we bought: moras, mortiños, ishpingo, fresas, harina… y … just in case Nori for sushi. When we finally arrived at Luci’s house we inflated the swimming pool and met up with her two friends.
As the pool filled with water, we prepared our meal. Lu was in charge of the Colada and Hilde prepped the dough for the bread. It was a very interesting process that ended with us adding pounds of sugar to the colada to savor the taste and pounds of flour to the bread so that it would keep its form. Somos unas carishinas (really really bad at cooking).
At around midnight we finished cooking, put on bikinis, grabbed mugs of colada morada and the extra herbs (to infuse in the pool) and relaxed in the inflatable jacuzzi – pool.
Today we have indulged in too much colada morada and guaguas de pan, we want to puke or rather … share this food with all of you, our wonderful friends. We always think of you and wish you could all be here swimming in the inflatable pool with us YAY!
LES QUEREMOS MUCHO!!!!!!!!h/&%//)(/%”#!wr
If anyone wants to come to the beach (two weeks traveling the "ruta del sol") with us in May for Luci's graduation the offer is there...please!!!! Lets do it!
More stories to come,
Hilde y Lucia.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Photos of Phlorence
if you have flickr, add me
keep an eye on your mailboxes folks
more to come
Sunday, October 12, 2008
There is no word for homesick in Spanish.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Fall in the east
I've been "home" for a little over a week and a half now, although I haven't actually been at my house much. Since it's been so long since I've gotten to enjoy a fall in Maine (which any Mainer will tell you is the best season here), I've been out and about enjoying it as much as possible before I sit down to figure out what I'm doing next. I went up to Acadia, my 5th national park in the past month, to meet up with my roomie from Alaska for the last few days. She drove up from New Hampshire. It felt great to be camping, hiking and enjoying the simple life outdoors again... but the "mountains" around here look so small to me now!
The road trip was a great adventure involving many things I'd never seen before as well as some old familiars. I drove back down with 2 friends I met at work this summer, both from Michigan. We followed a pretty similar route to my last trip across the country but chose to take more back highways instead of the interstate. Although it may take longer, it's so much more rewarding and interesting and led us to some pretty neat and unexpected places. We met some memorable characters on our way through Canada on the Cassiar Highway, an old logging road-turned-highway that lacked any road lines and, for an occasional 20-mile stretch, pavement altogether. One of my favorite memories is driving up a narrow bulldozer track to a lookout behind an RV park in BC, as recommended by the owner, and having a lazy picnic above the valley with guitars and a bottle of red.
Back in the states, we first stopped in at Willamette and visited for a few days before heading to Yellowstone, probably the part of the trip we were all most excited about. Even after being in a national park around wildlife all summer, the three of us were blown away by what we got to see there. Buffalo, elk, moose, fox, deer, eagles left and right... it put Denali to shame! It's a very diverse park, and we didn't even get down to Grand Teton. As we crossed the midwest, we got to visit a lot of friends from work this summer, which was also really fun. Everyone's feeling rather lost now that our jobs are over and we're back in the real world, so our friends were pretty excited to hear about our adventures. I posted some photos on facebook, so feel free to check 'em out.
I'm about to go sailing with my family for the long weekend, but after that I'll probably start looking at new schools and coming up with some sort of (escape) plan for the winter until I can go back up to Alaska again. I'm thinking of applying to the New England Culinary Institute in Montpelier, and possibly WWOOFing somewhere farther south and warmer. Any suggestions? Bye for now!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Field Season Report Completed
New Years Eve, Suenos, Mel Gibson, and John Kerry...on a fine Yom Kippur Day
I did peyote with Marleta and Dana in my dream last night, only they called it "coyote." It was awesome. I saw a diner drive down Main St. in Northampton. That dream was so wild. The New York Times had an editorial about Willamette and how WU students' ironic sense of humor has become dangerous, and there was a picture of Kaneko with broken windows and flames. Also, I tried to get a deer to lick my hand at Sam's grandparents' estate, but Sam's grandpa yelled at me and told me that I could only pet the deer. The FBI was looking for Sam throughout the whole dream, which I believe had something to do with the coyote. It may have just been that he thought the FBI was looking for him though.
Oh, I had another dream the other night that might be more meaningful than last night's dream. I was in the mountains of France, and I realized that the Tour de France was about to start at the exact place where I was standing, and I just happened to have my bike. I thought that I might as well join in the race as I was already there, but I was apprehensive since I knew the ride might be beyond me. But, when the race started, I just joined right in. The beginning of the ride was all downhill and all I needed to do was coast. The whole time I was going down this steep hill though, I was getting more and more aware of the fact that I might not be able to continue the ride once it got harder. At the same time, I felt like I had no time to think about my decision, because pretty soon I would be so far down this steep hill that I could not ride back up. The whole dream was a perfect analogy for what I'm feeling in my classes right now. I feel like I just kind of came here because the opportunity presented itself, and it sounded cool. Now, I am sort of coasting through these beginning weeks, but we are just now getting into starting these work-intensive semester long research projects in my two women and gender study classes, and I'm going to need to start peddling faster and harder than I ever have. I just hope I have it in me.
On another note, Mel Gibson came to Northampton to film part of his new movie yesterday. I believe the entirety of the scene was him driving down Main Street and throwing up out of his car. (This part is no longer my dream. It's just ridiculous.)
Also, I am eating dinner with John Kerry and the Smith Dems tonight!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
What it is.
Earlier in the summer, I scheduled a trip home to MN to visit family and friends (also help facilitate my 5 year class reunion... oooold man winter here...) Due to this vacation, my bosses needed me to work more than the usualy 45-50 hours I put in... So that was stressful. On top of that, I had to say good bye to our good friend Sarah, which has been quite a challenge for me to deal with / overcome to say the least. During the middle of this already crazy month, Tom Salina invited me to move into a house he was looking to lease... this added another thing to my platter. Our future / potential landlord was overwhelmingly controlling, intense and possibly an outright liar, so this made for a very stressful decision for me to move into the house (HOWEVER, the house is effing badass... covered front porch w/ rocking chairs, hot tub, three car garage converted into a music grotto)
Anyway, that was the end of August for me... MINNESOTA was amazing. It was my first time back to my roots for the whole year, and it was good to be back (fair chance I may end up there). The highlight of my trip was seeing Cloud Cult perform twice (once at the MN State fair opening for gnarls barkley, the other time at 3am at Minnesota Orchestra Hall for a free performance, it was as epic as it sounds).
Class reunion was pretty good. Had a turnout of about 30-40 people of about 300 in my class... it is what it is.
Lately, the presidential election has dominated the majority of my thoughts... I am very concerned at how far McCain's sharade of having such shallow judgment in choosing his running mate.
I have smelled the roses and no longer have a blank-check infatuation with Obama... But I am still volunteering on his behalf because I honestly think he is what our country needs.
Recently I attended a meeting in Salem dedicated to opening a dialogue about the future of the city, and bringing together people who are interested and invested in making the city a better place. At this meeting, I connected with Ross Swartzendrubber, the man who organized last year's Mix-N-Mash festival where some of us were able to catch Plants (and Fun-House Strippers etc.) It was a damn good time.
It is looking like a really good time, happening this weekend. I know this is abrupt but I totally just ran out of steam. The text is changing colors before my eyes like a rainbow. These eyes want to take a break and close for a while. I will finish this latero. -bo
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Home Sweet Home
It has been far too long since I've been in contact with you all, even the few of you whom I have actually spoken to since leaving the country. If you're out of the loop, I am studying abroad in Edinburgh, my home country, the capitol of the great nation-to-be of Scotland.
My first week (or two... it all sort of blurred together) was a very stereotypical study abroad experience. The one we've all seen in facebook albums, characterized by photo ops with pints, countless consecutive 3am nights, and (perhaps most sadly) safe relationships with fellow Americans. About two weeks into my program, I found myself playing flipcup with my fellow Americans, and a brief spell of depression set in and brought me back to earth. Since then I've been spending a lot more time reading, meeting locals, getting around the city and getting OUT of the city. I am still enjoying the alcoculture that envelopes this country, but in a more controlled manner.
I've been on a few fantastic day trips, but to describe them all would take too much precious time, so I'm including a link to (yet another) photobucket album. Read the captions to get a vague idea of what I've been up to. There is, however, one trip I want to write about, so bear with me. Yesterday I went to St Andrews with three of my classmates on little more than a whim. We bought our train tickets a day ahead of time, but other than that had no plans. We got of the train bright and early at about 8am, wandered around the beach (check them pics), then headed over to the Old Course. We had heard there was a tournament going on, and we figured it was some amateur shit, a prediction only reinforced by the fact that the course was totally open and didn't even have any sort of security check. We walked up to the first hole anyway and watched a group tee off... and the announcer said, "teeing off, Samuel L Jackson." I was in such shock that I really thought it must have been some pro with the same name, but it was motherucking legit Samuel L Jackson. Talk about good timing... Hugh Grant was also there, as well as Jonh O'Hurley, Huey Lewis, Luke Wilson, Wladimir Klischko and a ton of pros including Ernie Els and Justin Rose. craaazy. The rest of the day was fantastic, high points including scaling a castle wall to avoid paying admission and getting tons of free indian food courtesy of my aunt and uncle, but I won't bore y'all.
Aside from that the most exciting moment of this journey was academic. Two nights ago I found out the name of the Member of Scottish Parliament (MSP) with whom I will be interning. His name is Rob Gibson, of the Scottish National Party (SNP - a fairly liberal party with strong desire for independence). I was hoping for a Green, and they aren't taking any interns this semester, but Rob is a fantastic alternative. He's the co-chair of the committee on Economy, ENERGY and Tourism, and a member of the committee on Transport, Inrastructure and CLIMATE CHANGE. A major part of my internship is a massive research project and I think Robs interests and mine will mesh well. Furthermore, he is a former moustache competition runner up, and a representative from the highlands/islands region, so he will probably appreciate my beard and perhaps hook me up with a free trip up north. I meet him Thursday, the day after my last day of class.
This coming week is the last of formal education I will go through for about a year, as I am most likely traveling through the spring. I've been taking classes at the Institute of Governance at the University of Edinburgh, learning all about the UK Government and the newly devolved Scottish I'll spare the gory details, but suffice it to say I'm quite fascinated with this political environment, despite the fact that it has inevitably distanced me from America at such a pivotal time in our history. I suppose all of you that are abroad may understand how I feel, wishing to be immersed in (or at least present for) what may likely be the most important election, in the midst of what may prove to be the most disastrous economic situation, of our generation. And to you kids still in the states - please, please vote!
anyway, here are some pictures