Wednesday, February 16, 2011

come visit The Dalles

Hey Friends,

Do you remember Michal Kawka and I?

He was the Polish exchange student with the great dance moves. We are living in The Dalles, Oregon, and we would love to see you. Come and visit. We are just moving into a new apartment next month with lots of room to host and play music and drink tea.

We have had some adventures in Chicken Raising, Bike Riding, small-town-living, and big-time-dreaming.

Give us a call! 541-965-2902 -- Anya


Megan said...

I am there! Thanks for checking in. You are beautiful souls!

Hayley Weed said...

Yes! Supsup!!! I'm going to visit you two humans soon, in 2011. also, come visit me on Bainbridge Island!